The book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer tells the story of a young adult who abandons his life for a life of exploration and adventure. This is a true story of Chris McCandless, a young adventurist who follows his dreams and lives out in the west and northwest of America. Throughout his journey McCandless meets many people along his adventure, each effected by the way McCandless looked at life and his determination to follow his dreams.
In this novel the author starts off by hikers coming along Chris McCandless body in the abandoned bus in the woods. From there Krakauer goes on to explain Chris’s journey and the people he met. Starting off hitch hiking along the highways Chris meets many entertaining and knowledgeable people. Throughout the book Chris barely stays in one place for a large amount of time. Each event leading to the next, from Alaska, to western U.S., to Mexico, and back up to Alaska. As Chris travels the U.S. a constant theme keeps reoccurring with him and that is that Chris values his principles over people. This cause Chris to hurt people that he doesn’t to hurt such as his friends, family, and strangers. Later in the novel Krakauer compares Chris to many other explorers who led similar lives. However, Chris was not the same, though he at some times has trouble getting through on little money, he never gaves up on his dream or himself and that is what separates Chris from others.
In summary, this book is very well written. The story of Chris McCandless journey around the U.S. is inspiring people to follow their true dreams in life and not settle for something else. Chris touched many people during his journey and changed their lives forever, and still touch people lives today. Chris McCandless is truly a rare person to come about and his story is not only mind boggling but also very inspirational and shows who he was as a person.
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